$100, 000 new, 000+ in tax free benefits under the federal government's national rental affordability scheme nras(the national rental affordability scheme) is an australian government initiative to stimulate the supply of 50, affordable rental homes for australian families. Investors who maintain their investment property in the nras scheme for 10 years will receive approximately $100, 000+* tax free, in addition to their annual tax deductions. How do I take advantage of this opportunity? 1. Contact nras properties to arrange your ??obligation free?? in-home consultation 2. Select your nras approved property from the range available - we can also assist with finance for your purchase 3. Settle your nras purchase, then sit back and watch your investment grow in value. Prudent investors should act promptly to avoid disappointment. Less than 1 in every 400 australians will be lucky enough to secure an nras approved property as part of their investment portfolio. Nras is a strictly limited opportunity. The process. Note. Nras approved properties are not social housing and the government has no legal or monetary claim over these properties. The government is committed to nras and has set aside in excess of $1 billion to fund the nras scheme. The nras incentive is paid to investors for up to 10 years or for the duration the property is retained in the nras scheme. Despite, receiving a reduced rental rate for the property, nras approved properties are generally all positively geared#. Investors are paid $9, quality middle income tenants at an agreed, in return for agreeing to rent their property to a pool of eligible, 140* p.a. Tax-free, reduced rental rate. Extremely generous incentives are available to nras investors but the incentives are not being made available for traditional property investment. Essentially nras is the same as traditional property investment with one key difference - nras approved properties are financially incentivised by the federal and state governments to attract investment in the private housing sector. *current as at november 2010.
So finding a quality existing NRA property to add to your portfolio has become more difficult, but the reward is tall because of the increased yield, and low vacancy rates. To accomplish this, we assess your position needs, bear a selection of lofty passive NRA properties research to suit, then track report on your results. By discussing your situation and desired outcomes, we can aid plan ways to arrive your financial goals. We can bear a selection of investment property options, tailored to your needs with an exclusive group of lofty yielding NRA properties. We aid manage compliance, taxation and progress. Planning for continued growth and moving toward your goals with regular assessments. All of our NRA properties confront strict standards. As we are not affiliated with the builders or developers, our only goal is to ensure we select offer the best available NRA property opportunities to our clients. All NRA properties we present are fully built. Tenants are in place, providing ongoing rental income from day one. Our strict requirements deposit properties healthy for capital growth.
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