One that allows our children to grow and prosper in a sound learning environment as they prepare to make their own contribution to the world we live in. We are striving to produce extraordinary students who have the confidence and skills to excel in fresh society. Hill crest Christian College leads the way in digital innovation in Education, and through 21st century digital technologies and clever classroom design and pedagogy, Hill crest is changing the landscape of normal schooling. The College is committed to providing the best feasible opportunities for our students. Screening for the stuffed time program begins from the preparatory years as student profiles are formed, and prosper further in Years 1 and 2. Again, these concise courses operate on a needs basis where children are referred by teachers and parents in consultation. Hill crest Christian College fosters the development of the gifted individual in the succeeding ways: Its operation, teaching and practice is based on values, principles and teachings of the Bible. The mission of Hill crest Christian College is to yield quality education and to deliver to society, young people who: Have discovered the real of the Gospel of Jesus and are prepared to live this truth in the service of God. To act humbly and with integrity to serve God, to succeed Jesus, contributing where we can, becoming the superior we can. All knowledge and wisdom have their foundation in the ultimate and absolute standard of real the Bible. The College has the responsibility to give the superior in Christian education recognizing that it must provide a appropriate product to stay in business. We trust that high academic standards are incompatible with low moral, dress and conduct standards. If children continue to require support, other programs are set up for groups according to need. Those children with exceptional levels may be included in the ECHO Inc programs while students with low levels are included in specific encourage programs. Children with Disabilities are assessed for inclusion on the AP system where the good glossy of promote can be given through the assistance of Teacher aides. This enables the kid to access learning and to accomplish their best potential for win in life. Supported below the Education Adjustment Program (AP) which is a process to identify and respond to the educational needs of students. Hill crest Christian College provides OSHA (Outside School Hours Care) for your family and we believe that your kid will enjoy the many benefits of this program. Students are at the heart of our teaching practice at Hill crest Christian College and therefore our focus as a college is on developing a framework based on strong research that supports teachers to make concrete improvements in our students’ learning. It offers a means by which teachers, year level teams, faculties, learning communities, and the College as a whole, can examine teaching practices, identify key areas for growth and improvement and thrive an action plan to implement rigorous and pertinent professional learning and development strategies. At Hill crest Christian College we are creating a College where learning is embedded into the very culture of our community, not impartial for students but also for teachers. As part of our Professional Learning Community, Hill crest teachers regularly reflect on their teaching practice, improve their accepting of the science of learning and flourish their craft of teaching.
The early concept for Hill crest Christian College began in the slow 1970s when members of Reedy Creek Baptist Church (Palm Beach Baptist Church, as it was obvious at the time) raised concerns about the double standards they saw in secular education. They believed that, as parents, it was their responsibility to have a greater involvement in the education of their children and hence established a steering committee for the formation of a Christian School. During these years, the College has continued to grow and develop, both in numbers of students and quality and range of facilities and resources. It was founded in 1982 to produce a holistic Christian education to students of the Gold Coast. Its operation, teaching and practice is based on values, principles and teachings of the Bible. God revealed his love and plan for all humankind, through Jesus Christ. We endeavor, therefore, to donate all of our children a balanced perspective of the world and a confidence to confront their coming thoroughly educated and with a foundational Christian worldview. The mission of Hill crest Christian College is to provide quality education and to deliver to society, young people who: Have discovered the real of the Gospel of Jesus and are prepared to live this real in the service of God. Have knowledge to discern what is appropriate and have the skills and the spirit to commit themselves to action for a better society. We, the students of Hill crest Christian College, seek to show this ligh
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